
Gathering XVI is coming!

Once again we will be gathering in the fall for our annual training conference. SOCEM’s Gathering XVI will be on October 26, 2019 from 8:15am to 2:30pm at Trinity Church Streetsville. There will be a plenary panel discussion on “Building Community in ESL Ministry,” 14 workshops to choose from (see below), a Getting Started in Teaching ESL module, and a variety of display tables from different publishers and mission organizations. There will be plenty of networking and fellowship opportunities. You will receive an email when registration opens in September. You can also check out at that time. Registration is $20 and an optional sandwich lunch can be purchased for $8.

Here are the titles and presenters of the workshops we are offering. You will find a detailed description of each and bios of the presenters on when registration opens.


Getting Started in Teaching ESL module (all-day workshop) (Colin Brewster)

Session A (9:00-10:00 am)

(1) Beyond the Worksheet:  Adapting real-life materials in the ESL Classroom (Sandy Ho-Lam)

(2) Using Music to Reinforce Learning (Savita Khera)

(3) Managing Group Dynamics: Handling a Variety of Personalities in Small Groups (Mary-Jane Davison)

(4) Functions of English (Lydia Mountney)

(5) Teaching Pronouns to ESL Students: A look at what, when, why, and how (Carol Blake)

Session B (10:30-11:30am)

(6) Small Group Conversational Bible Studies for ESL Learners (Roslyn Farmer and Frances Gray)

(7) Helping Low-Level Learners Speak Out (Catherine Au)

(8) Connecting Seniors with Students Overseas through ESL (Inji Kim and Sang Hyun Kim)

(9) Emotional Challenges of Language Students (Jennifer Tong)

(10) Getting Dramatic with Pronunciation (Marion Chang)

Session C (1:30-2:30pm)

(11) Using English to Equip International Leaders (Elmer Warkentin)

(12) Are You Listening? (Mary Hogan)

(13) Trauma, Grief and Vicarious Trauma: Effective Brief Interventions for the ESL Teacher (Adrianne Sequeira)

(14) Loving Volunteers Well (Mary Ellen Tierney)

Do plan to attend and be inspired! Attend as a group with those in your church!

[All the details and Registration are now available]

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