
An Open Door

By Allan Pole

When a guest was received in Palestine 2,000 years ago the host performed certain courtesies. There was the kiss of welcome. Water was provided to wash the dust from his feet, and oil to anoint his head. The guests would recline at the meal and there was free access for the passer-by to stop and rest.

Persecution was already occurring during the New Testament time and led to the scattering of Christians from their homes. Food and lodging became for many an urgent necessity. There were also itinerant speakers travelling from place to place preaching the gospel. They received nothing from those who did not believe, so followers of Jesus were needed to host and provide for them. Christians were warned by the apostles not to accommodate false teachers in their homes and thereby enable the deception to continue.

In Hebrews 13:1-2 (NIV) we are told:

1 Keep on loving each other as brothers. 2 Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.

The ministry of welcoming others into our homes and lives remains a call we must not ignore.  “Cocooning” or isolating ourselves and our families for the sake of survival in an increasingly hostile and hectic world may seem to be a logical approach these days, given the demands on a person’s time and life.

Why aren’t we hospitable?

  • We are transient. We move and have few lasting relationships.
  • We are independent. We hate to depend on others.
  • We are busy. Rush, rush, rush!

All of these are factors, but the bottom line is that you and I are selfish; we don’t want to be inconvenienced. Hospitality means we must sacrifice our self‑absorption and develop a sensitivity to others.

“If you have a house,” Oswald Chambers taught, “the next thing the Bible counsels is hospitality.”

Break the cycle—commit yourself to hospitality and prepare for guests. If you buy a roast, get one big enough for more than just your household. Take initiative by seeking out those who would benefit from your hospitality. Be creative—invite someone for breakfast, go out for coffee, take someone to a sporting event or a concert.

When was the last time you went out of your way to welcome someone into your community?  Into your church? Into your home?

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