Devotional Seasonal

Jesus Is Alive!

By Timo Posti

9 Now when He rose early on the first day of the week, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom He had cast seven demons. 10 She went and told those who had been with Him, as they mourned and wept. 11 And when they heard that He was alive and had been seen by her, they did not believe.
—Mark 16:9-11 (NKJV)

The verses above are by no means a comprehensive statement about the events surrounding Jesus’ death and resurrection.However, they provide a snapshot of what was happening that weekend.

Most Christians gather to solemnly remember the death of Jesus on Good Friday. Jesus suffered and died to save us from the penalty and power of sin. His death was the final, perfect atoning sacrifice for guilty sinners. Then on Easter Sunday, we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. If Jesus had remained dead, we would have no hope. We would all die in our sins and have no resurrection unto life. However, since Jesus rose from death, all those who believe in Him are forgiven of their sins, receive eternal life and they also share in the blessed hope of having their own bodies resurrected on the last day.

Mark 16:9-11 gives us a glimpse of what happened after Jesus was raised from the dead. He appeared to his followers, first to Mary Magdalene, who was certainly one of the most devoted ones. She was there all along that weekend. She was there when Jesus bled and died on the cross. She was there when they buried Him, watching where they were placing the body of her precious Lord. Moreover, she went to the tomb early on Sunday morning. Matthew 28 reveals a dramatic encounter she had: an angel appeared to her and another follower, announcing that Jesus was alive! As they were on their way to tell Jesus’ disciples the good news, Jesus Himself appeared to them! They worshipped him.

One of the most startling parts of the story is that the disciples did not believe Mary when she told them of his resurrection. Nevertheless, they did end up believing in the resurrected Christ soon after Mary told them, since Christ Himself appeared to them. It is my sincere prayer that many ESL teachers will likewise be devoted to the risen Lord Jesus Christ and that their students will encounter Him for themselves!

Editor’s Note: For Easter ESL resources on our website, see here and here.

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