By Allan Pole
I tend to pack more than I will use when I travel. I might need this item! So, in it goes – just in case. The average citizens of the world’s wealthier nations enjoy an unparalleled standard of living. Storage and junk removal are huge industries! Similarly, our lives resemble over-stuffed suitcases.
Jesus promises that our heavenly Father will look after our needs, then challenges us in Matthew 6:33, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (NIV)
We find single-mindedness and contentment when we decide what comes first.
Receiving Jesus is a one-time decision, but we follow Him daily. There are stretches when my thoughts are so focused on my relationship with the Lord that the world takes a back seat. We sustain this focus by filling our minds with the Word of God and our hearts with the Spirit of God every day.
After just three years of public ministry, Jesus could say of His life’s work in John 19:30, “It is finished.” He knew what the Father wanted Him to do, and He did it.
Sam Logan defines success as “finding out what God wants you to do and doing it.”
What are you doing currently that doesn’t make a difference, that you don’t need to do, and that doesn’t fit your life’s purpose?
We find single-mindedness and contentment when we trust God for the rest.
Jesus rebukes us for worrying in Matthew chapter 6. He asks the rhetorical question, “Do the flowers and birds worry about their future provision?” Of course not!
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. What things? The Almighty God of heaven and earth promises to look after our basic needs if we preoccupy ourselves with His kingdom and righteousness.
I don’t claim to live in this discovery all the time, but I have found that the secret to contentment is to decide what comes first and trust our Heavenly Father to look after the rest. Settling this in our hearts and minds simplifies our time, energy and money decisions.
What is in your suitcase? Do you need all those items?
Decide what comes first, and trust God for the rest – travel light.