Language Learning

What is a Complete & Balanced Language Learning Program?

By Tom McCormick Have you ever wondered? Here is an overview designed first of all for helping missionaries plan their language learning. The chart includes the twelve basic components of a well‑rounded language program. By “basic” we mean a language learner really does need to include them all, one way or another, and an ESL program, tutor, […]

Intercultural Compentencies Newcomers, Refugees & Internationals

Supporting Newcomers in Navigating the Canadian Job Market

By Sandy Ho Editor’s Note: You can view the infographic version of this article here. Effective teaching requires us to create spaces where students feel heard, safe and mattered. Belonging is a lot more than just a slogan, a prayer or an activity; it has to be intentionally cultivated and nurtured. It is not just […]


A Ministry of Mercy

By Jennifer Tong It is often said that, in our relationship with God, grace is ‘getting the favours we don’t deserve’, while mercy is ‘not getting the punishments we deserve.’ When we cry out, with the tax collector, “God, have mercy on me, a sinner” (Luke 18:13), we are asking God to forgive our sins, […]

ESL Program Ideas Resources

ChristianRoots Canada

I am Lynette Bloedow. I call myself a ‘Transplanted Canadian from West Indies’ and a ‘Curious Canadian History Buff’. My website is: I publish and sell curriculum, books and other products which reinforce our research and fill in the gaps of knowledge lacking in the Canadian Christian’s understanding of the true Christian foundations of […]

Intercultural Compentencies Mission & Outreach

Introducing CultureCross, a Training Resource for Newcomers’ Ministries

TWR Canada has recently completed a 12-week video-led small group curriculum for groups wanting to expand their cross-cultural skills. Twelve different missions ministries from across Canada contributed teachers, and it is now available without cost through an online portal. You can access the full course by signing up here or view all the videos by visiting […]

Language Learning

Quiet Students

By Jennifer Tong “We like lively classes, we want to see the students participate, speak up, take the floor, contribute actively to class discussion. Communicative language teaching puts a premium on talk and thus often rewards students who ‘do’ conversation and self-expression rather than those who reflect and understand in silence.” (Kramsch, 2009; quoted in […]


A Personal Reflection on Attending SOCEM Gathering XIX

By Sandy Ho This past October, I returned to SOCEM for the first time since the pandemic. The drive that morning was smooth, and the crisp autumn air, bathed in golden sunlight, lifted my spirits. Upon arrival, I was greeted by familiar and new faces, and the laughter and chatter felt like a warm embrace, […]

Events Gatherings

Report of SOCEM Gathering XIX

SOCEM’s annual fall training conference, Gathering XIX, took place on Saturday, October 26, 2024 at Martin Grove Baptist Church in Etobicoke. Close to 50 gathered in-person for a day of equipping, networking and sharing together surrounding matters of ESL ministries. After a brief devotional and worship time at the sanctuary, participants divided into different sub-groups […]

ESL Lessons Holidays Seasonal Uncategorized

Good Ideas for Celebrating Christmas with Your Students

Christmas is fast coming and many of us have started thinking about Christmas special activities with our students. Here are some ideas collected from different churches in the past, as well as some fresh ideas. If you pause and think, ideas can be endless. Might you send your ideas to us at Remember that […]

ESL Lessons Holidays

Christmas and New Year ESL Resources

Check out the rich Christmas resources on our SOCEM site including Christmas lessons from the Virtues series and the Conversation Guides: An excellent reading about the North American Christmas traditions, with a glossary: Christmas traditions around the world; good for starting conversations with students: Stories behind favourite Christmas carols and […]