ESL Lessons Holidays Seasonal Uncategorized

Good Ideas for Celebrating Christmas with Your Students

Christmas is fast coming and many of us have started thinking about Christmas special activities with our students. Here are some ideas collected from different churches in the past, as well as some fresh ideas. If you pause and think, ideas can be endless. Might you send your ideas to us at Remember that […]

ESL Lessons Holidays

Christmas and New Year ESL Resources

Check out the rich Christmas resources on our SOCEM site including Christmas lessons from the Virtues series and the Conversation Guides: An excellent reading about the North American Christmas traditions, with a glossary: Christmas traditions around the world; good for starting conversations with students: Stories behind favourite Christmas carols and […]

Language Aspects

English is Changing

By Tom McCormick I have been noticing a change in the use of English, even by native speakers. Have you? Sometimes the changing forms come up in ESL sessions. What to do? What do you do? One school of thought teaches the ‘correct’ forms, then also informs the students of the ‘changing’ forms—sometimes kind of […]

ESL Program Ideas Holidays Seasonal

Easter ESL Resources

Christian Content General Easter Content Beginners’ level Conversation questions Readings North American cultural stories to do with Easter (good as warm-ups or lead-ins to Easter story) Miscellaneous Other Good Friday handouts Easter card

Copyrighted Materials ESL Lessons

Book Review: Utter Wisdom (2022) by Daniel Whetham, Rachel Thake, Jonathan Norgate

By Carol Blake The stated aim of 2:19 is “to help churches use English conversation classes to reach out with the gospel for all nations.” “Utter Wisdom … contains specially written questions that will help Christian ESL teachers explore with their learners the searching issues of life, and introduce the person and work of Jesus.” […]

ESL Program Ideas For Seniors

From Learning to Giving

By MPC Foundation When immigrant seniors make the decision to commit time and effort to learning the English Language, many of them do so when they are in their 60s and many have minimal formal education. For them, it is a challenge that they are willing to endure so that they can achieve greater inclusion […]

Christianity & the Bible Copyrighted Materials

A 3-Stage Pathway to Jesus for New Canadians

By Rick Love, Ph.D. A woman we’ll call Brenda emigrated from west Asia to Canada and was very motivated to learn English. She was preparing for a professional exam and had a time limit to see her IELTS score high enough to qualify for that exam. At our church in Calgary we have created a […]

ESL Lessons ESL Program Ideas

Field Tripping ESL Learners in the Community

By Carol Blake What happens when you take ESL learners outside the classroom? There’s a peak in interest in the class and in the lessons, a growth in connection among the class members, and an increased sense of belonging to the wider community. Over the past number of years, I have taken adult learners in […]

ESL Program Ideas Holidays Seasonal

Two Fun Easter Activities

Submitted by Carey Jo Johnston 1. Resurrection Eggs We can use the commercially made ‘dozen eggs’ children’s tool to teach the Easter story to our students. Each of the 12 ‘egg’ cups in the egg carton contains a small symbol from the Biblical account; e.g. a stone to represent the stone rolled over the tomb; […]

Devotional ESL Lessons Holidays

I Am Here with Good News for You

By Jeff McCarrell Editor’s Note: This devotional can serve as a refresher of the Christmas story and the key concepts therein for all of us, and it can also be used as study material with the students. It is written in plainer English for that purpose. “The Gospel” is the “Good News” of Jesus’ life […]