ESL Lessons Language Aspects Language Learning

Thinking about Grammar

By Carol Blake Does grammar make you nervous? Do you wonder if you know enough to be able to help your students with their grammar? Let’s take pronouns, for example. Can you explain when to use who or whom? You and I or You and me? You can Google these issues fairly easily and find […]

ESL Lessons Holidays Seasonal

Illustrations for the Easter Story

Consider using these little stories as “Easter lessons” for Intermediate/Advanced students, as lead-ins to the truths of Easter. They are short, easy to read, and we can easily devise comprehension questions and vocabulary exercises out of them. I hope that they can become spring boards for discussions on what Christ has done for us on […]

ESL Lessons ESL Program Ideas Holidays Seasonal

Easter ESL Resources

Beginners’ level (pp. 14, 15) (an assortment of fun activities like crossword, rhyme, word search) Conversation questions Readings (with lots of accompanying exercises) Miscellaneous (Free Easter worksheets, different levels) (Easter – online lessons, activities, and worksheets) Specifically Christian content Good Friday, Easter Part 1, Easter Part 2 […]

ESL Lessons Holidays Seasonal

Valentine’s Day ESL Resources

Valentine’s Day Love and Valentine’s Day lessons (The Virtues series) (readings, including from the Bible; discussion questions, quotes and other activities) (excellent reading on the history and customs of Valentine’s Day, with glossary) (a reading with lots of accompanying activities) (Valentine’s Day conversation questions) (vocabulary and writing activities for lower level) […]

ESL Lessons Holidays Seasonal

Seasonal, Secular, Sacred Christmas*

By Mary Cummins What is Christmas? In many places in the world, Christmas is probably the most popular holiday in the year, especially for Christians. It is very nostalgic for many people—the sights, the sounds, the smells and time spent with family and friends. Since Canada is in the Northern Hemisphere, Christmas comes in the […]

ESL Lessons ESL Program Ideas Holidays Resources Seasonal

Special Activities from Bayview Glen Alliance

Thanksgiving – skit, Powerpoint presentation of Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving games, special pumpkin tarts and whipped cream for refreshments, etc. Remembrance Day – interviews with war vets, attending police choir with seniors, history of the war presentation, observation of 2 minute silence with the playing of the trumpet, etc. Christmas – games, singing, Christmas lights tour in Simcoe with […]

ESL Lessons Seasonal

Valentine’s Day Resources

Here are a few good resources on Valentine’s themes: What Love Means to Kids Dating and Marriage Vocabulary in English (always a topic of much interest) Love and Valentine’s Day lessons (The Virtues series) (readings, including from the Bible; discussion questions, quotes and other activities) (excellent reading on the history and customs of Valentine’s Day, […]

ESL Lessons ESL Program Ideas Holidays Resources

Special Events with/for ESL Students at Leaside Bible Chapel

Baking muffins, making pizza and more. Baking Muffins The ingredients were introduced one by one with the packages also on display. Students listened as the method of preparing the batter was described and executed. A sheet with the pictures of the ingredients and of the method was handed out (resources below). Students had to listen and watch […]

ESL Lessons ESL Program Ideas Holidays Resources Seasonal

Special Events with ESL students at Agincourt Pentecostal Church

Below short list of ideas for special events to host for and with your ESL students from our friends at APC. Nursing Home Visit Christmas Party Chinese New Year Party Summer BBQ Summer Party Summer Outing Fall Outing Year End Party Other special events: Weddings Easter Play and Concert Special Summer ESL Class Fruit Picking […]

Copyrighted Materials ESL Lessons

International Student Ministries Canada

Meeting God Personally c. 1992 ISMC Following Christ Fully – Discipleship Notebook by Paul Maxwell c. 1995 International Student Ministries Canada Box 1205, Three Hills, AB T0M 2A0 Phone: (403) 443-5676  Fax: (403) 443-5969