ESL Program Ideas Resources

ChristianRoots Canada

I am Lynette Bloedow. I call myself a ‘Transplanted Canadian from West Indies’ and a ‘Curious Canadian History Buff’. My website is: I publish and sell curriculum, books and other products which reinforce our research and fill in the gaps of knowledge lacking in the Canadian Christian’s understanding of the true Christian foundations of […]

Intercultural Compentencies Mission & Outreach

Introducing CultureCross, a Training Resource for Newcomers’ Ministries

TWR Canada has recently completed a 12-week video-led small group curriculum for groups wanting to expand their cross-cultural skills. Twelve different missions ministries from across Canada contributed teachers, and it is now available without cost through an online portal. You can access the full course by signing up here or view all the videos by visiting […]

Language Learning

Quiet Students

By Jennifer Tong “We like lively classes, we want to see the students participate, speak up, take the floor, contribute actively to class discussion. Communicative language teaching puts a premium on talk and thus often rewards students who ‘do’ conversation and self-expression rather than those who reflect and understand in silence.” (Kramsch, 2009; quoted in […]

Mission & Outreach

Ottawa ESL Prayer Network

By Carey Jo Johnston The need for ESL ministries is growing in Canada as the number of newcomers increases each year. More Christians and Churches are realizing that they have an amazing opportunity to share the love of Jesus with newcomers through ESL ministry. Sometimes trying to start and keep an ESL ministry going seems […]

Mission & Outreach

Reflections on a Unique ESL Ministry Opportunity

By Mary-Jane Davison Fight4Freedom (F4F) is a Christian ministry that outreaches to and journeys with individuals impacted by the sex industry and trafficking. F4F outreach teams visit locations known to have sex industry activities and seek to build relationships with the individuals at those locations. When they express interest to receive support and/or would like […]

Language Learning

Characteristics of Good Language Learners

Joyce always goes to class on time. She is the only one who is there on the snowy evenings in winter. She is shy and never speaks much during the class. Sometimes she writes down new words and looks them up in the dictionary at home. She likes grammar exercises, but she does not like […]

Mission & Outreach

An Article on Church-Supported ESL Ministries in Canada

In the Fall of 2022, some of you participated in a survey for volunteers working in church-based ESL programs. A summary of the result was published in The ESL Link Volume 14.1 in February 2023. The author of the survey, Gordon Moulden, has written an article based on this survey with additional information. The article […]

ESL Program Ideas Mission & Outreach Newcomers, Refugees & Internationals

Common Ground

By Allan Pole We want to help new Canadians communicate in English so that they can thrive in a community. We do this by establishing common ground, where our lives intersect, and we recognize we are alike in more ways than might first appear. The Latin word “communis” and the Old French word form “comun” […]

ESL Program Ideas Holidays Seasonal

Easter ESL Resources

Christian Content General Easter Content Beginners’ level Conversation questions Readings North American cultural stories to do with Easter (good as warm-ups or lead-ins to Easter story) Miscellaneous Other Good Friday handouts Easter card

ESL Program Ideas

Why Small Talk Is Important

By Jennifer Tong If we google <small talk ESL>, we will easily get different lesson plans or ideas to teach our students ‘small talk’. There is a lot to say about making small talk as a kind of English function, that is to say, a purposeful exchange for particular situations (for example, giving compliments, interrupting, […]