ESL Program Ideas Resources

ChristianRoots Canada

I am Lynette Bloedow. I call myself a ‘Transplanted Canadian from West Indies’ and a ‘Curious Canadian History Buff’. My website is: I publish and sell curriculum, books and other products which reinforce our research and fill in the gaps of knowledge lacking in the Canadian Christian’s understanding of the true Christian foundations of […]

ESL Program Ideas Mission & Outreach Newcomers, Refugees & Internationals

Common Ground

By Allan Pole We want to help new Canadians communicate in English so that they can thrive in a community. We do this by establishing common ground, where our lives intersect, and we recognize we are alike in more ways than might first appear. The Latin word “communis” and the Old French word form “comun” […]

ESL Program Ideas Holidays Seasonal

Easter ESL Resources

Christian Content General Easter Content Beginners’ level Conversation questions Readings North American cultural stories to do with Easter (good as warm-ups or lead-ins to Easter story) Miscellaneous Other Good Friday handouts Easter card

ESL Program Ideas

Why Small Talk Is Important

By Jennifer Tong If we google <small talk ESL>, we will easily get different lesson plans or ideas to teach our students ‘small talk’. There is a lot to say about making small talk as a kind of English function, that is to say, a purposeful exchange for particular situations (for example, giving compliments, interrupting, […]

ESL Program Ideas Gatherings

Tips for Teaching Beginners: Gathering XVIII Workshop Highlights

By Nancy Kingdon INTRODUCTION On October 28, 2023, fifteen participants shared their collective wisdom, as they discussed their top three student learning needs, plus their top four ESL teaching issues. Participants were surveyed ahead of time by Nancy Kingdon, with survey results noted below. SUMMARY of what you told me were your top STUDENT LEARNING […]

ESL Program Ideas For Seniors

From Learning to Giving

By MPC Foundation When immigrant seniors make the decision to commit time and effort to learning the English Language, many of them do so when they are in their 60s and many have minimal formal education. For them, it is a challenge that they are willing to endure so that they can achieve greater inclusion […]

ESL Program Ideas

What is ESL ministry in Winnipeg like in 2023?

By Brenda Noble John G. Stackhouse Jr. has said that the church in Canada needs to live in such a way that if any force tried to shut our doors, the surrounding community would protest that they need our presence. In other words, our worship should include service to our communities which they see as […]

ESL Program Ideas

North Calgary ESL Conversation Group

By Allan Pole I felt the Lord lead me in 2016 to revisit Jesus’ conversation with a Samaritan woman at the well in John chapter 4. While the disciples wanted to eat something and get out of “inhospitable” Samaria as quickly as possible, Jesus saw an opportunity to reach someone outside their ethnic group and […]

ESL Lessons ESL Program Ideas

Field Tripping ESL Learners in the Community

By Carol Blake What happens when you take ESL learners outside the classroom? There’s a peak in interest in the class and in the lessons, a growth in connection among the class members, and an increased sense of belonging to the wider community. Over the past number of years, I have taken adult learners in […]

ESL Program Ideas

The Time Is Right to Start an ESL Ministry: ESL at Warden Full Gospel Assembly, Toronto

By Jeff Gottschalk For with God nothing will be impossible. (Luke 1:37) I am the vine, you are the branch. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. (John 15:5) As I was nearing retirement I began to consider what I could do with […]