ESL Program Ideas Language Learning

Informality: The Social and Relational Aspects in ESL

By Jennifer Tong Many of our church-based ESL classes tend to be informal. This means classes are smaller; there may not be a fixed curriculum, the leaders are often conversation facilitators rather than ‘teachers’, and there may not be formal procedures of assessments or advancing from one level to another. Often, organizers aspire towards being […]

ESL Program Ideas

Resources for ESL Summer Lessons

Will your online or in-person ESL program continue throughout the summer? If so, here are some resources related to themes about summer. Although it is harder this year to go on outings with our students, or to talk about travel, it may still be good to talk with your students about summer in Canada, Canada […]

Christianity & the Bible ESL Program Ideas

Easy-Access Resources for Online ESL Bible Studies

By Roslyn Farmer Doing online Bible studies via screenshare means no more photocopying. And that means no more restraints of printer ink cost—you can freely use coloured maps and illustrations! Also you can instantly access and show Bible-based video clips. In this article I want to share some good resources that are easy to access […]

Copyrighted Materials ESL Program Ideas

Review of “Advanced ESOL: Bible Lessons to Improve English Pronunciation”

A book review of Advanced ESOL: Bible Lessons to Improve English Pronunciation (For College Undergraduate and Graduate Students) by Susan C. McMillan By Mary Ellen Tierney As the title suggests, this book is designed for college undergraduate, graduate students and visiting scholars. This book could also be used with intermediate and higher non-native English speakers […]

ESL Program Ideas

Zoom: Ordeal or Opportunity

By Elmer Warkentin Teaching ESL as a volunteer is my cup of tea. No exams, no report cards, no budget. Just a group of intelligent, educated, appreciative young people informally gathering in my living room, me with my whiteboard interacting with them on a topic or field of mutual interest or an area of need. […]

ESL Program Ideas

Living and learning in the age of COVID 19

Editor’s Note: Perhaps most of us have chatted with our students about their lives under Covid 19. Seldom, though, have we seen them expressed in writing. We continue to publish selected writings from the students of an ESL teacher in our midst, submitted in their knowledge and with their permission. Let’s hear the voice of […]

ESL Program Ideas Holidays Seasonal

Ideas for celebrating Christmas with our ESL students under COVID

We asked the ESL teachers within our circles what they are planning to do this year with their students for Christmas. Since we’re under COVID, and some of us in lockdown, many in-person activities cannot be done. We need to be creative in finding new ways. Here is what some of them said: Latin American […]

ESL Program Ideas Language Learning Resources

COVID-19 and Online Teaching Resources

Love New Canadians is offering a free training workshop on “Using Zoom to Teach ESL Classes Online: A strategy to help churches develop pathways to Jesus for immigrants in their neighbourhoods” on September 12 and 19, 2020 (same webinar offered twice). For details and to register, contact Rick at is an online community […]

ESL Program Ideas

Our Experience of Teaching ESL using Zoom at The Peoples Church

By Sandi Howell March 17, 2020, remember it? Everything shut down including ESL programs. This was the perfect storm for us at The Peoples Church as the computer program to enter our learners’ particulars was discontinued and we were waiting for the new system, so we were using a paper record of attendance. Our newest […]

ESL Program Ideas Resources

Results of “Covid 19 and ESL” Survey Conducted in April 2020

Thank you for all those who took the time to complete our survey regarding Covid 19 and our ESL classes. We received 21 responses, with some very interesting and pertinent comments. Here are the questions and the responses. How has your ESL program been impacted by the COVID-19 situation? 42.9% say “suspended but replaced by […]