ESL Program Ideas Mission & Outreach Resources

A Job or a Mission

By Sandy Ho Teaching ESL is my job. Under the Covid 19 pandemic, the program where I teach told us to implement online learning. It was all very overwhelming and challenging. At first, it was tempting to just do the minimal, and I had thought, “It’s just a job.” But God is showing me otherwise. […]

ESL Program Ideas

A snapshot of a ‘Zoom ESL class’

By Linda Reed Zoom requires joyful exuberance (i.e. a little more enthusiasm), but it is worth it! We “meet” as a leadership team 15 minutes early, and as students “arrive,” we ask a warm-up question such as “what did you do last weekend” to practice past tense.  Then, using the ‘Breakout Room’ feature, we discuss […]

ESL Program Ideas Resources

Online ESL: A Beacon of Light

By Mary Hogan After Christmas, the ESL program at Bayview Glen Church resumed but in my advanced class, I began to hear rumblings about a coronavirus in China. It didn’t mean too much to me but then a few students stopped coming. I sensed something was wrong, but the class was eerily quiet and didn’t […]

ESL Program Ideas Resources

Overwhelmed. Now to Him Who Is Able…

By Linda Reed Editor’s Note: While Christmas 2019 is behind us, some of us still look back with nostalgia. Further, there may be lessons from Christmas that can apply throughout the year. We are publishing this Christmas-related article now because it may encourage and edify us in our ministries throughout the year. Sometimes ministry is […]

ESL Program Ideas Holidays Seasonal

Helping Interpret Christmas

By Marion Chang Imagine that you are a tourist visiting Canada for the very first time during this holiday season. You see coloured lights on houses and gaudily festive store windows as you tour the city streets. There also seems to be a large, bearded, old man in a red uniform all over the media. […]

ESL Program Ideas Mission & Outreach Resources

ESL House Church – Hospitality and Faith

By Tom More The last time I wrote an article for this newsletter, I reflected on Jesus the refugee. At Christmas time, we recall that shortly after the jubilant birth and angelic choir, the shepherds and magi, after the gold, frankincense and myrrh, Jesus was on the road and on the run. It occurs to […]

ESL Program Ideas

ESL at Oak Ridges Church

By Anne Sim The ESL Ministry of our church, Oak Ridges Church in Richmond Hill, started as an outreach effort involving a local Retirement Community. While praying for ways to grow and revitalize the church, our pastor encountered a chaplain who asked if church members could participate in ESL ministry alongside some of the elderly […]

ESL Program Ideas Mission & Outreach Resources

A Portal to Hope

By Sandy Ho-Lam As an ESL teacher, I have wrestled with the question of how to become Jesus’ hands and feet while students seem to come and go through a revolving door without any chance of building long-lasting relationships. Then one day, things started to change. A student, one day, said: “Sandy…I have a lot […]

ESL Program Ideas Resources

Summer Activities for ESL Students

By Nathan Kwan There are endless number of activities your students can do during the summer. The following are some possibilities mainly around the Greater Toronto Area, but including Ontario as well. We just took a group of students to Kensington Market in Toronto on Pedestrian Sunday (see here for this year’s dates). The roads […]

ESL Lessons ESL Program Ideas Holidays Seasonal

Easter ESL Resources

Beginners’ level (pp. 14, 15) (an assortment of fun activities like crossword, rhyme, word search) Conversation questions Readings (with lots of accompanying exercises) Miscellaneous (Free Easter worksheets, different levels) (Easter – online lessons, activities, and worksheets) Specifically Christian content Good Friday, Easter Part 1, Easter Part 2 […]