Mission & Outreach Newcomers, Refugees & Internationals

Will You be My Teacher?

By Sarah Kim and Inji Kim from Pluscope ( Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request. (1 Chronicles 4:10) Pluscope […]

Newcomers, Refugees & Internationals

Phases of Migration

By Jennifer Tong If you live in Ontario, you probably remember the big ice storm of 2013. It was a few days before Christmas. For many, the memories included being forced to leave their homes and stay elsewhere. It was difficult, a struggle. We then had a taste of being ‘displaced persons’, forced to leave […]

Mission & Outreach Newcomers, Refugees & Internationals

An ESL Student’s Faith Journey

Sandy has been my ESL class teacher. The atmosphere in her ESL class was always joyful and harmonious. Classmates and Sandy made friends with each other. In March 2019, I was lucky to join Sandy’s Bible study classes; all of my classmates were from the ESL class. We were excited. This was the first time […]

Intercultural Compentencies Newcomers, Refugees & Internationals

I See Colour

Editor’s Note: Over the past year or so, issues of racism and discrimination have been much in the spotlight. This only helps to highlight the realities that some of our ESL students may be faced with day to day. The following is a piece written by a friend of SOCEM, an ESL teacher, about her […]

Newcomers, Refugees & Internationals

Living and learning in the age of COVID-19

Editor’s Note: Perhaps most of us have chatted with our students about their lives under COVID-19. Seldom, though, have we seen them expressed in writing. Below are some selected writings from the students of an ESL teacher in our midst, submitted in their knowledge and with their permission. Let’s hear the voice of some in […]

Newcomers, Refugees & Internationals Resources

Migration, Trauma and Mental Illness: Implications for Language Learning

A review article by Timo Posti This helpful article was written by Dr. Allyson Eamer, a sociolinguist who teaches at The University of Ontario Institute of Technology.  Dr. Eamer outlines the challenges of providing accessible, suitable and practicable language instruction to migrants. She lists several reasons why some migrants do not readily benefit from language […]

Newcomers, Refugees & Internationals Resources

Immigration Statistics

Many of us work with immigrants. Are you aware of the larger context we are working in? Below is some immigration and citizenship information released by Statistics Canada as part of the 2016 Census. See full details at this site.

Newcomers, Refugees & Internationals Resources

From the 2018 Annual Report to Parliament on Immigration

Newcomers, Refugees & Internationals Resources

Loving the Newcomer: What Does It Look Like?

By Brian Seim Early this morning, I drove through our church’s neighbourhood, praying for it. Then, I walked into Starbucks, made my order and went to find a lid for my cup. A young immigrant lady, obviously not an employee, greeted me and asked, “What are you doing today?” I greeted her. She was lonely—in […]

Newcomers, Refugees & Internationals Resources

Newcomers and Mental Health

Immigrant Mental Health At the SOCEM Gathering in October 2011, Stephen Cheng talked about life stresses among immigrants. A Healthy Mind: Supporting Newcomers Through Stress An interesting article by Marion Chang and Stephen Cheng Outside Resources for Mental Health Services Links to many government sites