Language Learning Resources

Suggested Websites for Students

Below is a long list of a variety of resources available online. We hope they’re helpful! Pronunciation The #1 phonetics website. Includes cellphone app and web based app. Here are a few sites with minimal pairs. The first three have sound files. Listening Lots of listening exercises with downloadable […]

Language Learning Resources

Language Learning and Acquisition Resources

Greg Thomson. “An Introduction to the Socio-cultural Dimension of Language Learning” Lyman Campbell. “The Redemptive Dimension of Language Learning” Dwight Gradin, Mission Training International. “Language Learning Orientation for Learners and Teachers” Muriel Saville-Troike, “Introducing Second Language Acquisition” Written for students encountering the topic for the first time, this is a clear and practical introduction to […]

ESL Lessons Language Aspects

Speaking Clearly Resources

These resources have been generously donated by Pam Cousins and reflect her many years of dedicated teaching, especially teaching pronunciation. Speaking Clearly Self Study and Teacher’s Guide Speaking Clearly Student Book Speaking Clearly Audio files

Intercultural Compentencies Resources

Conversational Ballgames

In the following reading, Nancy Masterson Sakamoto explains the difference between Japanese and American conversational styles. Born in the United States, Sakamoto has lived and taught English in Japan. She is currently professor of American Studies at Shitennoji Gakuen University, Hawaii Institute. The following selection is an excerpt from her textbook, Polite Fictions (1982). [download […]

Conversation Lessons ESL Lessons

Kitchener Conversation Circle Guides

13 Discussion question lessons prepared for English conversation circles in Kitchen, Ontario. The topics include: emotions, travel, time, old and new, house and home, money, hobbies, healthy eating, in the news and more. Kitchener Conversation Circle Guides

Conversation Lessons ESL Lessons

APC Conversation Sheets

These are the materials our friends at Agincourt Pentecostal Church have made available to share. The conversation guides cover a variety of topics with a list of corresponding questions. APC Conversation Sheets

ESL Program Ideas Resources

Start an ESL Program

Are you thinking of starting an ESL ministry at your church? You’re not alone! Many have felt a burden to reach the unchurched, non-English-speaking population living in their communities and to this end the Southern Ontario Cooperative for ESL Ministries (SOCEM) aims to help. We are a group of Christian believers who teach English as […]

Christianity & the Bible ESL Lessons

Science Shorts

Demonstrating the credibility of the Christian faith through Science The intermediate level ESL lessons below have been adapted with permission from the work of Dr. David Humphreys, emeritus professor of Chemistry at McMaster University, in Hamilton, Ontario. On his original Science Shorts website Dr. Humphreys stated his purpose as creatively demonstrating the credibility of the […]

Christianity & the Bible

The Virtues

A series of lessons created by SOCEM members that unpack human virtues. The last lesson in each theme introduces relevant Bible readings.

Christianity & the Bible ESL Lessons

The Hope: A Review

This is an interactive ESL curriculum using the Hope film as its basis. The Hope Film is an overview of the Bible from Creation to the growth of the early church with narrators introducing each topic as scenes from feature films complement their explanations. The language is very clear and easy to understand. The ESL […]