Pronunciation is important! Here are some links to useful and interesting sites and documents that can help you help others with their English pronunciation: (Includes complete Workbook and mp3 files for each unit to download.) Don’t miss this one…with x-ray video of the mouth:
THIS COMING WEEKEND (JULY 6-8) Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition – July 6-8, Nathan Phillip Square Free fishing weekend – July 6-8, no licence required MUSEUMS Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) – free admission one and a half hours before closing each night (excluding special exhibitions); half priced admission for Friday nights (4:30-9:30 p.m.) (all […]
Gathering IV
Warm summer greetings to all! The executive committee of SOCEM (Southern Ontario Cooperative for ESL Ministries) has been at work through the spring and we are pleased to announce some preliminary details concerning our fourth gathering. Please mark October 13, 2007 on your calendar. Our location will be Don Valley Bible Chapel in the Don […]
WORKSHOP #29 Date:This Saturday, September 22nd. 9-4pm Place: Ferndale Bible Church. Peterborough, ON. This training is to equip those interested in starting up an ESL ministry as well as those who are already involved in any kind of ESL outreach and would like to assist newcomers to Canada to adapt, survive and function better in […]
GTA West-End ESL Ministries Luncheon
On Saturday, April 28th, 21 people from 5 churches got together to share our ideas, questions and enthusiasm concerning ESL ministries. This mini-conference was hosted by High Park Baptist and attended by representatives from Knox Presbyterian Church, Evangelical Fellowship Chapel, Oasis Dufferin, and St. Paul’s Anglican Church. We began our day by getting to know […]
Fun for Advanced Students
Try this out with your more advanced students… My first job was working in an orange juice factory, but I got canned; I couldn’t concentrate. Then I worked in the woods as a lumberjack, but I just couldn’t hack it, so they gave me the ax. After that I tried to be a tailor, but […]
Spring Outing Suggestions
Spring has Sprung! It’s nice to see that temperatures are warming up and that the cold winter months have come to an end! Now it’s the perfect time to celebrate new life with our ESL students. The Toronto ESL Co-op has put together some valuable spring/summer trip suggestions for you. Did you ever consider taking […]
Phrasal Verbs
Hi ESL associates, If you haven’t noticed, one of the areas that many ESL students struggle in is “phrasal verbs”. Here’s an excellent site that captures some of the more often-used ones. (Just click on a letter in the alphabetical menu on the left of the web page and it will give you a list […]
ESL Easter Lessons
Share the good news of the season with your students with through these suggestions from the SOCEM network. Conversation Guides: Easter Lesson Here is the Easter Lesson for intermediate ESL students from the Conversation Guides file: Easter Resurrection Eggs! For many years now I have used the commercially made ‘dozen eggs’ children’s tool to teach the […]
A Call To Prayer!
Please join us for a time of prayer for ESL ministries. We will be meeting at Toronto International Celebration Church on Tuesday, April 3rd and again a month later on Tuesday, May 1st from 7.30pm-9pm. See you there!