During a trip to Stratford, while were strolling downtown, we came across a company of three: a Canadian woman, a Chinese woman and her son in his early teens. They had come together in a car and obviously the Canadian woman was showing her Chinese friends around this cultured town. The Canadian woman was explaining […]
Passion Play Outing?
Hi ESL Associates, Have you ever considered taking your students to the Toronto Passion Play? http://www.torontopassionplay.com/performances.htm Just an idea. God bless. -C.Y.
Christian ESL training course
This Saturday, February 17th Inniswood Baptist Church in Barrie 9:30am-12:30pm Will be the second available time for Christian ESL training. Interested in ESL? Interested in getting involved with immigrants and refugees? Interested in home missions? Interested in cross-cultural ministry? Interested in overseas missions? Interested in being a part of the harvest? Here is an opportunity […]
A Call To Prayer!
Please join us for a time of prayer for ESL ministries. We will be meeting at Toronto International Celebration Church on Tuesday, Feb. 6th. and again a month later on Tuesday, March 5th from 7.30pm-9pm. See you there!
The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility. As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5- year phase-in plan that would become […]
The KW regional gathering started with two of us who shared the task of phoning area churches and ministries to enquire if they had anyone interested in ESL ministry whom we could use as a contact person by email. We sent an email to introduce ourselves (using BCC for privacy) to all of our collected […]
Saturday, February 17th, 2007, 9am-4pm Led by Ministers Mabel Wee and Paul Terry Robinson Matt. 28:18-20 Mabel and Paul Terry are co-labourers and co-ordinators of the Hope For Toronto-English Language Ministry, (HFT-ELM) a non-profit organization. Their base is the Toronto International Celebration Church (TICC), 190 Railside Road, Toronto, Ontario, M3A-1A3. They are graduates of Tyndale […]
A note from Darcy MacCallum who presented this matter to us at Gathering III: Great News: Bill 124, the Fair Access to Regulated Professions Act, has passed! Thank you for your help in promoting this significant piece of legislation. It is an important (and landmark) step toward facilitating the smooth entry of newcomers into the […]
6 Ideas for ESL Christmas Lessons
A Christmas Lesson Using the Jesus Film To use this lesson you will need a copy of the “Jesus” Film produced by The Genesis Project and distributed by Campus Crusade for Christ. Click here to see the lesson. Santa Clause is coming to town! See this document here ESL Conversation Guides: Christmas Lessons ESL Conversation Guide […]
Season’s Greetings! We’ve received some wonderful ESL Christmas ideas. THANK YOU TO ALL THOSE WHO RESPONDED!! Make sure you read over all the great ideas to see how various churches are celebrating with their ESL learners. We are still in need of more ideas so hurry to send them in. We want to share even […]