Christianity & the Bible ESL Program Ideas

Easy-Access Resources for Online ESL Bible Studies

By Roslyn Farmer Doing online Bible studies via screenshare means no more photocopying. And that means no more restraints of printer ink cost—you can freely use coloured maps and illustrations! Also you can instantly access and show Bible-based video clips. In this article I want to share some good resources that are easy to access […]

Copyrighted Materials ESL Program Ideas

Review of “Advanced ESOL: Bible Lessons to Improve English Pronunciation”

A book review of Advanced ESOL: Bible Lessons to Improve English Pronunciation (For College Undergraduate and Graduate Students) by Susan C. McMillan By Mary Ellen Tierney As the title suggests, this book is designed for college undergraduate, graduate students and visiting scholars. This book could also be used with intermediate and higher non-native English speakers […]


Building in the Rubble and Ruins

By Tom More During the holidays, my learners often scratch their heads trying to figure out the reason for the season. If one were to try to guess at Valentine’s Day’s logic, they might have particular trouble. Various traditions identify more than a dozen important church figures with this name, several of whom have connections […]

ESL Lessons Seasonal

Valentine’s Day ESL Resources

Valentine’s Day: Love and Valentine’s Day lessons (The Virtues series) (readings, including from the Bible; discussion questions, quotes and other activities) (excellent reading on the history and customs of Valentine’s Day, with glossary) (a reading with lots of accompanying activities) (Valentine’s Day conversation questions) (vocabulary and writing activities for lower level) […]


“Let’s Connect” Event Report

The “Let’s Connect” event was held via Zoom on Saturday January 30 from 11:00am–12:30pm, as a collaborative effort between SOCEM and Cooperative ESL Ministries (CESLM) in Calgary. About 20 from Ontario, Alberta, BC and Manitoba participated. We had a brief opening with some thoughts from the representative from SOCEM and an introduction of all the […]

ESL Program Ideas

Zoom: Ordeal or Opportunity

By Elmer Warkentin Teaching ESL as a volunteer is my cup of tea. No exams, no report cards, no budget. Just a group of intelligent, educated, appreciative young people informally gathering in my living room, me with my whiteboard interacting with them on a topic or field of mutual interest or an area of need. […]

Intercultural Compentencies Just for Fun

Unwritten Rules In Canada

The following is excerpted from a website. It is a good topic to talk about with your students. Do you have more to add? Send them to What are some (more) unwritten rules in Canada? Don’t raise your voice in public places. It’s done in another English speaking country that shall remain nameless, but […]

ESL Program Ideas

Living and learning in the age of COVID 19

Editor’s Note: Perhaps most of us have chatted with our students about their lives under Covid 19. Seldom, though, have we seen them expressed in writing. We continue to publish selected writings from the students of an ESL teacher in our midst, submitted in their knowledge and with their permission. Let’s hear the voice of […]


Peace in the Midst

By Mary Ellen Tierney “Peace.” I hear God whisper. “How can I have peace when there is so much to do and COVID is swirling around?” I shout back, inside. “Peace.” He whispers again. The word “peace” is everywhere in the account of Jesus’ birth (the actual word itself, and implicitly in the angels telling […]

ESL Program Ideas Holidays Seasonal

Ideas for celebrating Christmas with our ESL students under COVID

We asked the ESL teachers within our circles what they are planning to do this year with their students for Christmas. Since we’re under COVID, and some of us in lockdown, many in-person activities cannot be done. We need to be creative in finding new ways. Here is what some of them said: Latin American […]