Mission & Outreach

Ottawa ESL Prayer Network

By Carey Jo Johnston The need for ESL ministries is growing in Canada as the number of newcomers increases each year. More Christians and Churches are realizing that they have an amazing opportunity to share the love of Jesus with newcomers through ESL ministry. Sometimes trying to start and keep an ESL ministry going seems […]

Mission & Outreach

Reflections on a Unique ESL Ministry Opportunity

By Mary-Jane Davison Fight4Freedom (F4F) is a Christian ministry that outreaches to and journeys with individuals impacted by the sex industry and trafficking. F4F outreach teams visit locations known to have sex industry activities and seek to build relationships with the individuals at those locations. When they express interest to receive support and/or would like […]

Language Learning

Characteristics of Good Language Learners

Joyce always goes to class on time. She is the only one who is there on the snowy evenings in winter. She is shy and never speaks much during the class. Sometimes she writes down new words and looks them up in the dictionary at home. She likes grammar exercises, but she does not like […]


Get Ready. Get Set. Go.

By Linda Reed What a summer! Heavy Rain, Soaring Heat, Hours of Olympics, and . . . a changed Heart. My heart was deeply moved through visiting a large house for incoming refugees, Adam House, in Toronto. How can it be people arrive at Pearson with nowhere to go? Housing and work are now real […]