
Easter Musings

By Sandi Howell

Easter is a time of joy, fun, and games to celebrate Spring, and new life. We remember His death on the cross and soak in the joy of His rising from the dead. But, many miss the whole 3-year ministry of our Lord before his Resurrection Sunday and how it fits into Easter.

Historically, the date set (in the church year) for Easter was unified by the Early Church Fathers to coincide in the Spring season of the Northern Hemisphere among other things: new life and new things coming up in nature remind us of the Resurrection of Christ. This may have included the traditions of Lent (40 days before Easter) and those of the Holy Week to goad and remind us of Jesus’ resolute path to save us all. Some just celebrate Easter as His resurrection. What do you do? How do you provide witness to this in your service to the newcomer or foreigner in your midst?

In the multicultural city and state of Singapore where we served for a time, there are 4 official languages, and 4 official religions. Each cultural and religious group had a chance to choose 2 official celebrations to have as statutory holidays. The Christians, in unity, chose Good Friday and Christmas. We could have the discussion (in your mind) right now: why Good Friday and not Easter? Which one fits your mind as pinnacle and why? If we are serving to reach the newcomer this question will be asked, even in Canada (I have been asked more than once). Are you ready for the discussion?

Have you recently refreshed your memory about Jesus’ 3-year ministry and events leading up to Good Friday? Did you notice that early in his ministry, not just the week before, Jesus was resolutely journeying (Luke 9:51) on the path to his ultimate sacrifice and death? He continued in joy of service to do His Father’s work despite what he knew would be a hard ending. Is that on our mind as well? Are we going forward in service whatever we do, no matter what, to what our Lord has tasked us to do, in joy? These are questions I am reminded of and challenged with especially during the Lenten season, and more and more every day of the year. It is a challenge but is rewarding as I draw closer to God and his heart.

May I encourage you to regularly take time to see Good Friday and Easter in a new, refreshing way? He has taken on our sin and punishment, conquered death and is resurrected to save us all! May you be imitators of God and be as a fragrant offering (Ephesians 5: 1,2) for those newcomers you serve, as you serve God. Show them the lighted path to walk on, not just at Easter but every day! Glorify your Father by bearing much fruit! (John 15:8). May He bless you as you do this for Him!

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