ESL Program Ideas

Why Small Talk Is Important

By Jennifer Tong If we google <small talk ESL>, we will easily get different lesson plans or ideas to teach our students ‘small talk’. There is a lot to say about making small talk as a kind of English function, that is to say, a purposeful exchange for particular situations (for example, giving compliments, interrupting, […]

Mission & Outreach Newcomers, Refugees & Internationals

Ask Your Cucumber How It Got Here?

By Lorna Tatomir, Literacy and Evangelism Canada Strolling down the streets of downtown Leamington on a Friday afternoon, you’ll notice shops full of luggage, running shoes, lineups of Mexican and Caribbean workers at the banks and grocery stores. Spanish/English signs, multiple Taco-serving restaurants and a hum of Spanish language and music brighten the main street. […]

Copyrighted Materials ESL Lessons

Book Review: Utter Wisdom (2022) by Daniel Whetham, Rachel Thake, Jonathan Norgate

By Carol Blake The stated aim of 2:19 is “to help churches use English conversation classes to reach out with the gospel for all nations.” “Utter Wisdom … contains specially written questions that will help Christian ESL teachers explore with their learners the searching issues of life, and introduce the person and work of Jesus.” […]


Easter Musings

By Sandi Howell Easter is a time of joy, fun, and games to celebrate Spring, and new life. We remember His death on the cross and soak in the joy of His rising from the dead. But, many miss the whole 3-year ministry of our Lord before his Resurrection Sunday and how it fits into […]

Events Training

CESLM-SOCEM Spring Training Event 2024

We are excited to collaborate with CESLM once again in this Spring Training Event. Date: Saturday, March 16th Location: online via Zoom, or in person at Fairview Baptist Church, 3311 Centre Street North in Calgary. Please Note: In-person and online attendance starts and ends at different times. All listed times are in Toronto time. *In-person event: 11:00 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. ET […]

ESL Program Ideas Gatherings

Tips for Teaching Beginners: Gathering XVIII Workshop Highlights

By Nancy Kingdon INTRODUCTION On October 28, 2023, fifteen participants shared their collective wisdom, as they discussed their top three student learning needs, plus their top four ESL teaching issues. Participants were surveyed ahead of time by Nancy Kingdon, with survey results noted below. SUMMARY of what you told me were your top STUDENT LEARNING […]

Newcomers, Refugees & Internationals

The Welcome Mat of Friendship

By Albert Janzen Although peaceful coexistence between Canadians and newcomers to Canada is a wonderful thing, there is potential for much more than that to upgrade the welcome mat that Canada puts out to help newcomers become woven into our multicultural fabric. I am not just thinking of the most recent arrivals but also about […]


How Much Do You Love Me?

By Elmer Warkentin I love you – be my Valentine. Love is the story of us. Can’t stop lovin’ you. Your love is magic. This is Valentine’s Day lingo, love language. It’s romantic, it’s written in red. Once a year. I asked Jesus, “How much do you love me?” He replied, “This much.” – and […]

Newcomers, Refugees & Internationals

Useful Websites for Newcomers to Canada

By Jenny Zhang Moving to a new country is an exhilarating adventure filled with curiosity, yet it’s natural to have concerns about various vital aspects of your journey. Where can you access official information? How do you discover useful resources to aid your study, daily life, and job search? In this article, I’ll introduce a […]

ESL Program Ideas For Seniors

From Learning to Giving

By MPC Foundation When immigrant seniors make the decision to commit time and effort to learning the English Language, many of them do so when they are in their 60s and many have minimal formal education. For them, it is a challenge that they are willing to endure so that they can achieve greater inclusion […]