
A Ministry of Mercy

By Jennifer Tong It is often said that, in our relationship with God, grace is ‘getting the favours we don’t deserve’, while mercy is ‘not getting the punishments we deserve.’ When we cry out, with the tax collector, “God, have mercy on me, a sinner” (Luke 18:13), we are asking God to forgive our sins, […]


Child Born into Darkness

By Tom More The winter solstice, December 21, marks the darkest day of the year. For an ancient people, the sun giving way earlier each day, relenting more and more to the darkness, must have carried with it the question of whether the light would ever return at all. World plunged into darkness. Christmas, then, […]


Get Ready. Get Set. Go.

By Linda Reed What a summer! Heavy Rain, Soaring Heat, Hours of Olympics, and . . . a changed Heart. My heart was deeply moved through visiting a large house for incoming refugees, Adam House, in Toronto. How can it be people arrive at Pearson with nowhere to go? Housing and work are now real […]


Love Took My Place

By Elmer Warkentin I could hardly believe my eyes as I watched the leather whip bite into the flesh on the bare chest of the young boy seated on the stool, leaving an ugly welt. On my Sunday morning walk outside of the African school campus where we lived and taught, I had stumbled on […]


Easter Musings

By Sandi Howell Easter is a time of joy, fun, and games to celebrate Spring, and new life. We remember His death on the cross and soak in the joy of His rising from the dead. But, many miss the whole 3-year ministry of our Lord before his Resurrection Sunday and how it fits into […]


How Much Do You Love Me?

By Elmer Warkentin I love you – be my Valentine. Love is the story of us. Can’t stop lovin’ you. Your love is magic. This is Valentine’s Day lingo, love language. It’s romantic, it’s written in red. Once a year. I asked Jesus, “How much do you love me?” He replied, “This much.” – and […]


Christ, Herod, the Innocent … and Us

By CY Yan The world is in turmoil! Political tension is mounting to an all-time high, old and new conflicts are boiling over the edge. There is no end in sight for the heart-wrenching atrocities happening in Israel and the West Bank, Ukraine and Russia, Myanmar, Afghanistan, and other places of the world. Innocent blood […]


Leaving the 99 and Seeking the Lost

By Tom McCormick As September is often a new beginning for many, it may be worthwhile to think again on the most important things, and so refocus our hearts and lives. Summer has hopefully brought refreshment, a change of pace, new challenges and growth, as well as an eagerness to begin again. Jesus said there […]


Travel Light

By Allan Pole I tend to pack more than I will use when I travel. I might need this item! So, in it goes – just in case. The average citizens of the world’s wealthier nations enjoy an unparalleled standard of living. Storage and junk removal are huge industries! Similarly, our lives resemble over-stuffed suitcases. […]


Hope is Here

By Glen Zeidler It’s FridayHope is lostDeath has wonSin has conqueredBut it’s FridayIt is only FridaySunday is a comin’! S.M. Lockridge (1913-2000) In January 1964, Dusty Springfield recorded the song “Wishing and Hoping.” It was about a girl who was hoping that a boy would take notice of her. Hope for most people is wishful […]