Demonstrating the credibility of the Christian faith through Science The intermediate level ESL lessons below have been adapted with permission from the work of Dr. David Humphreys, emeritus professor of Chemistry at McMaster University, in Hamilton, Ontario. On his original Science Shorts website Dr. Humphreys stated his purpose as creatively demonstrating the credibility of the […]
The Virtues
A series of lessons created by SOCEM members that unpack human virtues. The last lesson in each theme introduces relevant Bible readings.
This is an interactive ESL curriculum using the Hope film as its basis. The Hope Film is an overview of the Bible from Creation to the growth of the early church with narrators introducing each topic as scenes from feature films complement their explanations. The language is very clear and easy to understand. The ESL […]
NOTE: Your church should have a Public Performance Copyright license if you plan to use DVDs and movies in your ESL Classes. The license is good for 1 year and costs from $200 – 300 depending on the size of the church. Here is a link to one of the organizations that can provide a license. Click here to go to […]
CELT Conference 2015
We’re proud to promote our friends at Christian English Language Educators Association’s upcoming conference. CELT Conference 2015 25 March, 2015, 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM Conference Chair: Janice GT Penner ( Plenary Speaker: Dr. Michael Lessard-Clouston Theme: Crossing Bridges Knox Presbyterian Church 630 Spadina Ave, Toronto, ON M5S 2H4 More information and registration is here.
More Christmas Resources for ESL
Christmas Carol Sheet with Scripture Christmas party mixer activity Christmas party activity – Scavenger Hunt Free Christian scripts (scroll down to find Christmas) Christmas stories: Links to 20 Famous Christmas Stories Links to Christmas Stories from the Children’s Literature Web Guide Reading lesson: A Humble Christmas Christmas Conversation Exercise Christmas idioms Christmas vocabulary Christmas jokes Christmas quotes […]
The Visit of the Magi
An upper intermediate level reading lesson adapted from articles by by Paul L. Maier and Dr. Dale Trapp magi
Magdalena is an adaptation of the Jesus Film specifically for women. The Easter lessons provided here are suitable for both men and women as the segments used focus on the Easter story. The first sheet is a sheet with pictures and descriptions of symbols of Easter, and students match the words with the pictures. The next is a […]
The Opportunities: Immigration Policy Changes – An Opportunity for the Church? Canadian immigration policy has taken a dramatic turn in the last two years. Newcomers on the permanent resident track are slowly decreasing while temporary work permits are rapidly increasing. Family sponsorship of parents is giving way to ‘Super Visas’ where the older generation is able […]